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Main page » Chisel / Equipment » equipment » Variacor pivot joint G 3/4 I x 3/4 A 90 ° swiveling, 360 ° rotatable  
Variacor pivot joint G 3/4 "I x 3/4" A 90 ° swiveling, 360 ° rotatable

Anwendungen: We recommend using the Variacor pivot joint with all tools.
Due to the high level of flexibility of this air connection, the ergonomics are increased and the user is provided significant relief.
Tedious winding or bending of the hoses is prevented which results in increased service life and cost savings.
The large diameter guarantees optimum flow and thus the best possible supply of compressed air to the tools.

197,10 EUR

Shipping time: 1 Woche

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Weight 0.37 kg
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